New spatial atomic layer deposition precursors and plasma processes towards functional materials for advanced applications
New spatial atomic layer deposition precursors and plasma processes towards functional materials for advanced applications
REACTIVE is funded by the ANR-DFG: French-German Collaboration for Joint Projects in Natural, Life and Engineering Sciences: The collaborating partners are:
RUB Ruhr University Bochum / Inorganic Materials Chemistry
Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique
GREMI Groupe de recherches sur l’énergétique des milieux ionisés
LMGP Laboratoire des Matériaux et du Génie Physique
ICube Laboratoire des sciences de l’Ingénieur, de l’Informatique et de l’Imagerie (UMR 7357)
SUrface-engineered metal nitrides for genuine Nitrogen Reduction
SUNRed is part of the Nitroconversion-SPP 2370 program: Interlinking catalysts, mechanisms, and reactor concepts for the conversion of dinitrogen by electrocatalytic, photocatalytic and photo electrocatalytic methods
Press release
HERALD: Industry Project
Development and evaluation of new chemical precursors for ALD/CVD applications

Atomic Layer Processing of Metals, Metal Oxides and Hybrid Thin Films
ALPMOH is funded by The German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD) and the Academy of Finland within “Project-Related Personal Exchange” (PPP) programme
Partner Institute: Aalto University, Department of Chemistry and Materials Science

Nanostructures with atomic Precision for next generation Energy Harvesting Devices
Das Projekt setzt sich zum Ziel komplementäre Energiekollektoren zur Energiegewinnung aus solaren, thermischen und kinetischen Quellen zu entwickeln.

Flexible Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Sensors
Erforschung neuartiger, flexibler Sensorsysteme auf Basis zweidimensionaler Materialsysteme

Coatings And Particles – Corrosion Protection Coatings
Entwicklung mediendichter CVD-Beschichtungen für den Korrosionsschutz zur Erhöhung der Ressourceneffizienz
Förderprogramm: InterSpiN – Internationalisierung von Spitzenclustern,
Zukunftsprojekten und vergleichbaren Netzwerk
Flexible high-speed thin-film transistors and circuits based on large-area grown two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
The FlexMoS2 project is part of the FFlexCom priority research program
DFG-SPP-1796 granted by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Ultra-thin metal layers by plasma-assisted spatial atomic layer deposition at atmospheric pressure
Forschungslabor Mikroelektronik Bochum für 2D-Elektronik
Pressemitteilung / press release
SonderForschungsBereich-TRansregio 87
Gepulste Hochleistungsplasmen zur Synthese nanostrukurierter Funktionsschichten
FunALD – Funktionale ultradünne Werkstoffe durch Atomlagenabscheidung
für die nächste Generation der Nanosystemtechnik
EFRE – Europäischen Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung
Solar H2
DFG SPP 1613
A European Training Network for Functional HYbrid COATings by Molecular Layer Deposition
Chemical Vapor Phase Approaches to Rare-Earth Nitride (REN) Thin Films: Tailoring Precursor Chemistry, MOCVD and ALD Process Development, Evaluation of REN Films for Spintronics
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project number: 258179787
European COoperation in Science & Technology
Hooking together European Research in Atomic Layer Deposition
European COoperation in Science & Technology
Chemistry for ELectron-Induced NAnofabrication
Marie Curie Initial Training Network (MC-ITN)
Reactive Atmospheric Plasma processIng – eDucation network
Marie Curie Initial Training Network (MC-ITN)
EuropeaN ResearcH TrAining Network of New Materials: Innovative ConCEpts for their Fabrication, Integration and Characterisation