New publication in ACS Materials Au

In a collaborative effort with researchers from Air Liquide (Japan) and the IMC team in Bochum, LMGP Grenoble (France) led by Matthieu Weber, a new feature article on pathways to lower the environmental impact of ALD was just published in ACS Materials Au.
As the global warming is making its impact, new ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and overall pollution of the environment need to be explored. The semiconductor industry is certainly contributing to the emissions and atomic layer deposition (ALD) is gaining significant importance in this area. From our perspective, we highlight different ways to mitigate the environmentally relevant emissions by ALD from three different perspectives. First, we discuss the overall emissions of ALD tools and processes from conventional to spatial ALD processes and potential way how to reduce those emissions. As a second integral part of the ALD processes, the potential pathways on how to reduce the emissions of precursor chemistry based on the principles of green chemistry are discussed. Lastly, an industrial perspective on ALD processes and emissions mitigation is presented to round up our article.
The different ways to mitigate emissions should motivate the ALD community to dedicate more effort and research in the areas of green chemistry and mitigation of emissions.