SUNRed – Kick-Off Meeting

We are happy to be a part of the newly granted DFG-SPP program (SPP-2370) coordinated by Prof. Roland Marschall from Bayreuth University.
On 12th and 13th of October we met in Bayreuth for the kick-off meeting of the SPP project. Together with Corinna Harms, Julian Lorenz (DLR, Oldenburg), Michael Wark (UOL, Oldenburg) and the Mercartor fellow Michael Nolan (TNI, Tyndall, Ireland), our research project focusses on “Surface engineered metal Nitrides for genuine Nitrogen Reduction (SUNRed)”
It was a very fruitful meeting, where we got insight into all the new SPP projects and initiated new collaborations for interesting research on new catalysis approaches. We are excited to strengthen our research networking further with the catalysis community of Germany.