New cluster tool for 2D-materials and devices funded by the BMBF
A consortium consisting of research groups at RUB that includes engineers (Plasma and Microsystems) and chemists (Inorganic Materials Chemistry) have been granted a new project “ForLab PICT2DES” funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). This is one among the 12 ForLabs in Germany that have been granted by the BMBF.
The granted 4 million euros by the BMBF is to acquire a unique cluster tool that integrates ALD, ALE, PECVD, RIE and in-situ plasma diagnostics. This state-of-the-art tool will be employed for the deposition of 2D-materials, etching, passivation and subsequently device structures will be fabricated that will play an important role in the future for various applications in the field of microelectronics, optoelectronics, sensors, energy etc.
The interdisciplinary research activities starting from precursors chemistry to materials development followed by process diagnostics and device fabrication will be the key to realize the goals of various projects that will be carried using the “ForLab- PICT2DES” cluster tool at RUB.
For more information:
Press report from RUB (only available in german language)
Website of the ForLab PICT2DES project